1. Look at the security of all devices connecting to your network.
  2. Ensure you have up to date security software on all devices
  3. Keep software and operating systems up to date
  4. Use unique complex passwords for online accounts
    Consider using a password manager. There are a lot of password managers available that will work on your computer, tablet and phone. A password manager can be useful as it means you do not have to remember every password. Always use Multi-factor Authentication with a password manager.
  5. Where possible, use Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA, sometimes called 2 Factor Authentication (2FA), adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts. MFA can use a phone call, an SMS, or an authenticator application such as Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator as a secondary layer of protection against unauthorised account access.
  6. Be vigilant around links in emails and messenger - Phishing attacks often use cleverly disguised links in email and messages. Be certain you trust the person sending the link and be especially vigilant when receiving communications from financial institution.
  7. VPN - When connecting outside the home and using public WiFi, consider using a virtual private network (VPN). This essentially routes your connection through a trusted server rather than through the open public network.
  8. Be cautious with what you download and use trusted sources. When downloading anything online, be mindful of the source and how trustworthy a link might be. Malware is often distributed with or in place of digital downloads.
  9. Take regular backups of important data. Backing up your data is good practice. If anything should go wrong, having a recent backup is often a quick way to get back up and running. Security fixes should be applied after restoring a backup if necessary.