The Marg McGee Community Awards have been set up in 2024 to replace our long standing It's Our Community awards.

These bi-annual awards will have an increased annual budget to benefit a greater number of charities and will be open to individuals and organisations looking for support towards community initiatives.

Renamed as the Marg McGee Community Awards, in memory of our friend and colleague who championed our It's Our community Awards, they will celebrate the passion and dedication of individuals and groups looking to benefit the community and champion the smaller initiatives often overlooked or struggling for support.

The awards will launch on 16th September 2024 with applications open until 31st October 2024. Judging will take place in November with awards announced early December. The annual award evening will be held each January with the applications officially open once again in February. For practicality we will leave the application form open all year with clear information about judging and announcement dates.

Marg McGee

Applying for the Marg McGee Community Awards is easy. Just make sure your application is submitted before the end date. When entries open a link will be made available on this page to a simple online form. 

If your idea is any of the following:

  • a physical improvement that you can touch.
  • likely to make real, tangible results that you can see.
  • demonstrates fresh, bold thinking and is innovative enough to inspire others.

We'd love to receive your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Manx Telecom launch this scheme? 

Manx Telecom wants to contribute to the development and sustainability of society, by enabling its customers, local people and employees to make a difference. The big idea behind the Marg McGeee Community Awards, and previous It’s Our Community programme, is this: if you could do one small thing to make your community a better place, what would it be? By enabling small groups to make a difference across the Island we’re hoping that the collective impact will be much greater. In other words, it all adds up.

Who runs the Marg McGee Community Awards?

The Marg McGee Community Awards is assessed and judged by a panel of judges, including representatives from Manx Telecom.

When are applications open until?

Applications for the 2024 Awards will open on 16th September 2024.

When will applications be judged?

2024 applications are being judged in November with the successful applicants notified shortly after.

Application Process

Can individuals apply?

Yes, but you must be able to demonstrate how it will involve others and benefit the community.

Is there an age limit for people applying?

Young people under the age of 18 can apply, but you must have the written consent of a parent/carer or endorsement from a charity or recognised community organisation.

Do you have to be a registered charity to apply?

No - you don’t need to have a constitution or be part of a registered charity. You just need to be part of a community. If you’re an organisation, we do need it to be a not-for-profit or an amenity group, in order for you to be eligible for an award. In certain cases we might need to ask for additional information, just to make sure we’re happy with the quality of the application and how eligible you are.

When will we find out if we’ve been accepted?

The successful applicants will be informed via email by the It’s Our Community team. 

Is it possible to submit more than one application?

Individuals or groups may make numerous applications provided they are for different projects. Multiple applications for the same project will not be considered.

Will the Marg McGee Community Awards fund large projects and will it ‘match fund’?

Marg McGee Community Awards funding is limited to applications wishing to receive a minimum of £100 and a maximum of £1,000, but is not designed to provide top-up funding for larger projects. Applications for match funding will be assessed on a case by case basis.

Will Marg McGee Community Awards pay for any necessary professional fees e.g. consultancy work?

While Marg McGee Community Awards realises that professional input can sometimes be necessary when you’re trying to make a change happen, these awards are designed for people who want to take things into their own hands, and make tangible changes themselves.

Previous award recipients