What is RSS? 

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. An RSS feed is a live data service that allows you to be kept up to date in real time with information that interests you. The MTTV RSS feed displays a news headline, short description of the report and a link to watch the video at the website. The orange icon shown above makes you aware of website content that is available over RSS.

How do I follow a feed?

To receive RSS feeds you will either need to download some RSS news reader software, or your web browser (e.g Internet Explorer) or email software (e.g. Microsoft Outlook) may already have RSS reader capability. Other RSS readers are available by searching 'RSS reader’ in any search engine.

What feeds from Manx Telecom can I follow?

We currently offer RSS feeds for MTTV videos and Local, Sport and Business News. Click on the RSS links below, then use the 'Subscribe' options provided by your chosen RSS reader service or copy the feed URL into your chosen RSS reader to automate feed updates.